City of albuquerque dog license application


Tax & License




TAX AND LICENSE / PET LICENSING All dogs, cats, and ferrets that live in Bernalillo County must be vaccinated against rabies every year. They must also be licensed in the county each year. Pet License applications are available from your veterinarian or through Animal Services. All dogs and cats are required by law to be on a leash or confined to the owner’s property at all times. Overpopulation of pets is a serious problem, so the county encourages spaying or neutering. Qualified residents who live in the unincorporated areas of the county can receive financial assistance for this through the Spay Neuter Assistance Program. License fees for a sterilized dog or cat are also substantially lower. For more information on animal care and regulations, contact the appropriate agency or department: Albuquerque Animal Services
8920 Lomas Boulevard NE
Albuquerque 505-768-2000 Bernalillo County Animal Services
1136 Gatewood SW
Albuquerque 505-468-PETS Sandoval County Animal Control
Bernalillo 505-252-2781 Torrance County
751 Salt Missions Trail
McIntosh 505-384-5117 Valencia County Animal Control
1209 Highway 314
Los Lunas 505-866-2479

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