Letters to the Editor

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HL: Making class sizes larger will hurt education for students

It appears the long-lasting peace treaty between educators and politicians is in jeopardy.

Politicians from Toronto to local school boards are eyeing the removal of negotiated class-size limits in schools. Educators, knowing the limits of their productivity with dysfunctional class sizes, are angered by this proposal to say the least.

It’s like the classic case of the hospital administration telling the surgeon to be quicker and more efficient in the operating room to save costs.

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Politicians’ priority is funding. Educators’ priority is quality of educational time with individual students. For a period of time under the Liberal government a peaceful mid-road had been struck. By contract there were restrictions and limits in class sizes teachers had to accept even though there were plenty of unavoidable exceptions, which teachers tolerated.

However, recently a shot was fired by a local counsellor, praising the Ontario government for considering lifting class-size ceilings on primary grades and even suggesting it be extended system-wide to all classes. Thus, the board would have an unlimited number of bricks to place on the backs of teachers.

Educators retaliated by stating it would turn schools into glorified daycare centres which limits teaching capabilities.

This all resembles the days of the Harris government and teachers of Ontario whence the education systems’ morality in Ontario hit rock bottom. Teachers were so angered by the Harris bullying they refrained from implementing extra curricular activities and limited their after school hours.

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Apparently history is about to repeat itself. A time where war breaks out between educators and politicians with the student being the sole loser.

Yvonne DiNardo, LaSalle

HL: Tecumseh council, don’t medicate me against my will

Tecumseh Town Council, sometime soon you will vote on a motion that will in effect usurp my authority over my personal health care. Your decision will determine whether or not I will be indefinitely subjected to mandatory medication: medication that I neither need nor want and about which I have legitimate concerns.

My wishes however are irrelevant as the policy makers in this region have deemed that you are much more qualified than I am to make decisions over my health care. While this is offensive and insulting, history reminds me that as a woman I should not be surprised. It may be 2019 but the culture of paternalism persists and continues to be a default position.

It is paternalism that seeks to stifle rational differing opinion by categorizing it as motived by “fear.” (What woman hasn’t heard that one before.)

It is paternalism that bases its decisions on research studies that support the political objective while ignoring research studies that support the opposite position.

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It is paternalism that justifies implementation of a draconian policy because it is the “most economical.”

And it is paternalism that cavalierly recommends using the water supply as a means to indefinitely impose mandatory medication on a whole population.

I respectfully suggest that the delivery of fluoride through the drinking water supply is unethical and irresponsible. I therefore oppose the proposed addition of fluoride to the water supply for the Town of Tecumseh and I protest this unwarranted attempt to subjugate my autonomy and right of informed consent in my health-care decisions.

Robina Millar Athavale, Tecumseh

HL: The city should not plow snow onto residents’ driveways

The City of Windsor on its web site reminds residents as follows: “Residents and property owners are reminded that clearing of sidewalks abutting their property is their responsibility. As well, under the Highway Traffic Act and City of Windsor bylaws, residents are prohibited from shovelling snow back onto the street while clearing sidewalks and driveways, as this creates unsafe road conditions for motorists. All sidewalks in commercial areas are to be cleared within four hours after the snowfall ends and within twelve hours in residential areas.”

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However, city snow removal vehicle operators seem to make no effort to refrain from pushing snow from streets onto the sidewalk, whether or not the nearby resident has already cleared a path.

If a senior has the good fortune to get a snow angel, does the city encourage the angel to shovel sidewalks before the plowing takes place, or after the plowing takes place, which usually requires much more than twice the effort to remove the snow from the sidewalk?

If a resident has hired a worker to do the sidewalk-clearing task, will the city honour an invoice for the cost of the extra work caused by the snow-plowing crew?

“Plowing in” driveways on residential streets is another problem left inequitably unsolved!

Philip H. Alexander, Windsor

HL: Windsor made a mistake allowing cannabis retail stores

What a mistake Windsor City Council made allowing the legal sale of marijuana in our city. Remember you cannot retract your approval. Marijuana makes nothing happen fast.

John Skuza, Windsor

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