Lifelong learning

Lifelong learning has many benefits and its importance is growing. Our research shows that learning has positive benefits for individuals, communities and the wider economy, and analyses how participation varies by demographic group and location.

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Employment & social security

Our work focuses on understanding the labour market, building the evidence base for what works in helping people into work, and exploring how the social security system can best provide support people and tackle poverty. Our regular analysis of labou

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Essential & life skills

Literacy, numeracy, digital and English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) are essential for life, work and communities. Our work focuses on how to engage adults with this type of learning and building the evidence on what works to deliver it.

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Good work & progression

Our work focuses on supporting people in work to progress, whether that be through increasing their earnings or moving to a better quality job.

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Apprenticeships & technical education

Apprenticeships and technical education are important to help people improve their skills and build a career and for employers to meet skills needs. Our work focuses on widening participation and improving quality, especially for apprenticeships.

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Social justice & inclusion

Everyone should be able to learn and to work. We have a particular interest in improving support for care leavers and we want changes to policy for young adult carers. Our Youth Commission looks at how to improve education and employment outcomes.

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Find out more about our long term aims in our Strategic Plan 2021 - 2024

What Works Unit for Learning & Work

The WWU exists to promote and enable the use of evidence in decision making in employment, learning and skills.

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Labour market analysis

We produce analysis of the latest labour market statistics, setting out what they mean for the world of work with an emphasis on people who face disadvantage.

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