Design guidance & support

Project Delivery Memos are interim updates that supersede policy in the Design Manual.

Design bulletins provide clarifications or instructions of the existing policy.

Complete Streets provides general information, links and region lead contacts associated with Complete Streets.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has provided clarification regarding the application of Buy America requirements (PDF 88KB).

The Development Division has published a policy regarding electronic signatures (PDF 344KB)

Project Delivery Method Selection Guidance

One of the first steps in project delivery is to determine the most appropriate project delivery method. The Project Delivery Selection Guidance (PDMSG) aids WSDOT staff in selecting delivery method based on each the project's attributes, opportunities and risks.

Design documentation

The Context and Modal Accommodation Report (CMAR) and Basis of Design (BOD) are used to record the decisions made during the design process to answer the question, “Why did you do that?”.

Context and modal accommodation (CMAR)

Use the Context & Modal accommodation report (DOCX 204KB) template to record land use and transportation characteristics that affect modal accommodation and determining modal priority. The report can be done during the scoping or pre-design phase to shape the context section of the Basis of Design. Refer to the CMAR learner's guide (PDF 784KB) for guidance on documenting transportation context.

Basis of Design (BOD)

The Basis of Design, Version 2.2 (DOCX 40KB) gets to the core of practical decision making by defining the needs and context that are used to shape the project’s design controls, alternatives and design elements. The Basis of Design is completed near the beginning of a project.

A few projects have templates that are specific to those project types. These templates have the baseline needs completed but need to be customized for the specific project:

Basis of Estimate (BOE)

The Basis of Estimate, BOE is an integral, and required, element of project cost estimating. The BOE is used to track and document changes to the project scope, cost, and schedule. This documentation is important because over time a project may have many engineers, design staff, and multiple estimators involved. The BOE provides a record of a project’s evolution of estimated cost and an updated BOE is required for each updated cost estimate.

Both a MS word and Excel version of the BOE are provided so people can choose their preferred format. The template can be customized by users for their specific project:

Design documentation

Design Documentation for projects is made up of two products: Design Documentation Package (DDP) and Project File.

The Design Documentation Package (DDP) consist of:

For design-bid-build projects, use the DDP Checklist - DBB, Version 1.5 (DOCX 27KB) to determine the contents of the DDP.

For design-build projects, use the DDP Checklist - DB, Version 1.5 (DOCX 55KB). The content of the DDP is fixed for every project and retained for 75 years.

To complete the DDP checklist, you will need the following:

The Project File Checklist (DOCX 21KB) contains project documentation that is deemed necessary by the project engineer, but is not contained in the DDP. Project File items are retained for three years after the final contract voucher.

The design documentation process is covered in depth in Chapter 300 of the WSDOT Design Manual. Documentation that has been loaded into ECM can be accessed through the PMRS Project Design search tool (PDF 1.05MB)

Signature pages for approval

Some of the DDP requires approval signatures. For consistency in approval format and to improve filing, use the following signature pages:

Pre-design fish passage

Use the Fish passage pre-design guidance (PDF 204KB) prior to beginning of Preliminary Engineering for delivering a fish passage project in the pre-design phase. Use as a resource for team alignment, pre-design planning, and general best practices for fish passage delivery.

Proprietary item use

See the Plans Preparation Manual 700.01(6) section for guidance on competitive bidding, proprietary items, and the use of the Qualified Products List (QPL). Blanket proprietary certifications are available for some products.

Professional liability assessment tool for design-build projects

As part of the determination of professional liability insurance (PLI) coverage associated with Design-Build contracts outlined in Project Delivery Memo #21-03, all Design-Build projects that have not published Request for Qualifications documents are expected to conduct a risk assessment using the agency’s Design-Build Professional Liability: Assessment of Project Risk Level spreadsheet (XLSX 142KB).

The instructions for populating this spreadsheet are provided with the companion Design-Build Professional Liability: Assessment of Project Risk Level Guidance (PDF 765KB). The assessment tool is intended to provide a general risk profile to assist with making informed decisions about PLI coverage.

Training and other resources

Find design training opportunities and resources.

Design documentation (PDF 4.54MB) and design analysis training (PDF 10.5MB) is available from your Assistant State Design Engineer covering the design documentation process and how to write a design analysis. WSDOT employees can access The Learning Center on insideDOT for the next available class.

A sag vertical curve minimum length calculator (XLSX 22KB) has been created to assist in the computation of the minimum length of sag vertical curves in accordance with Exhibit 1220-1 of the Design Manual.

WSDOT/American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) - WA Executive Liaison Committee

WSDOT/ACEC-WA Executive Liaison Committee includes representatives from both WSDOT HQ Design and ACEC. These teams meet, discuss and serve as a resource for establishing Design policy, procedures and process improvement.

Visualization services

Visualization services provide design and delivery goals through visual media made with a wide range of 3D modeling, animation, video and other graphic software packages.

These productions communicate and build project team relationships with your partners and public alike while achieving greater consent gathering success. From planning and communication to design and construction, these products & productions are strategic to project success.

Plans review

Review guidance and checklists

Use the Plans Preparation checklist (PDF 389KB) to organize and ensure items required for the project are included.

For reviewing items needed for your completed project, use the Plans, Specifications and Estimates checklist (DOCX 26KB). Contact your region plans office for a region specific checklist.

Calculation sheets

Plans, specifications and estimates quality management

Find guidance and technical support (PDF 156KB) for quality management initiatives for design projects. This process is a value added initiative to establish statewide standards of quality and limit unnecessary project schedule and budget overruns, and reduce change orders. Quality management is an integral component of project management and a natural complement to Cost Risk Estimating Management.

The WSDOT constructability review process (PDF 1.32MB) is designed to help improve the level of constructability of a project. The most important benefits expected from the CRP are the achievement of an efficient project development process and the realization of a cost-effective project that is biddable, buildable and maintainable.

The constructability review best practices guide (PDF 2.1MB) has been developed to provide information to the AASHTO member states that can be used to develop a constructability review process that will meet the needs of their individual transportation agency.

Assistant State Design Engineers and Liaisons
Find your ASDE Region assignments (PDF 89KB)

Deputy State Design Engineer
Mike Fleming, PE

Assistant State Design Engineers
Daniele Dunjic, PE

Design Liaison
Samih Shilbayeh, PE