How to Play the Game "Ninja"


A couple weeks ago I wrote about how to play “Sticks,” and we’re back with another silly game to share! This one is called “Ninja.” Many of you are probably familiar with this game since it’s been around for a long time, but just in case I thought I’d post it. It’s great to find games that require ZERO materials, and this one holds our kids’ attention really well for some reason. (It doesn’t hold my attention – but they love it!)

How to play the game Ninja

Here’s how to play:

How to Play the Game Ninja

This is a great game for times of waiting! It takes more room to play than Sticks, but it’s a (relatively) calm game and you don’t need anything to play it!

More Ninja Fun:


Lee Mar 31, 2015

My older kids *loved* playing this game at the classical co-op we used to attend! I'm not sure they even started with the 321 ninja part, but they sure enjoyed the game!

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About Sarah

I'm mom to four boys and one little girl. Frugal Fun for Boys and Girls is a place to find fun activities that kids will LOVE! We specialize in LEGO building ideas, STEM activities, and play ideas for active kids! Learn More

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